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mnm Microphone Terminology G large | My New Microphone


What is gain? Gain, in electronics, happens in an active two-port circuit and is the mean ratio of a signal amplitude or power at the output port to the input port. Gain is possible through power supplied to the amp and signal by an external power source.

What is microphone gain? Microphone gain is the ratio of a mic signal amplitude at the output of a preamp to the mic signal amplitude at the input of a preamp. Passive mics typically need much more gain than active mics to reach the same signal amplitudes. Gain is measured in decibels (dB) and is provided by amplifiers.

For more information on microphone gain, check out my article What Is Microphone Gain And How Does It Affect Mic Signals?


What is gain-before-feedback? Gain-before-feedback is the amount of gain we are able to apply to a microphone in a sound reinforcement situation before that mic starts to feedback with its loudspeakers or monitors. Gain-before-feedback is dependent on several factors including the physical space and mic placement.

Gallium Arsenide Field-Effect Transistor (GaAsFET):

What is a gallium arsenide field-effect transistor (GaAsFET) and why are GaAsFETs important to microphones? A gallium arsenide field-effect transistor is a type of FET used in amplifier circuits that boosts signals in the VHF, UHF, and microwave frequency ranges. GaAsFETs have high sensitivity, very low noise, and are implemented in some professional wireless mic systems for stronger transmissions.


What is a microphone giraffe? A microphone giraffe is a large mic boom stand with counterweights and a tripod on wheels. Microphone giraffes are sometimes used in larger film sets or in other situations where long boom spans are needed.

Glyn Johns Method:

Also known as the triangle method.

What is the Glyn Johns method microphone technique? The Glyn Johns method is a 4-mic drum-miking technique. The kick and snare are both close-miked (typically with dynamic mics). As for the overhead mics (typically condensers), one is positioned 3-4 feet directly above the snare drum while the other is off to the side at an equal distance to the snare.


Also known as an acoustic screen or movable panel.

What is a microphone gobo? A microphone gobo (short for go-between) is a movable acoustic screen that helps to isolate microphones from other mics, indirect sound sources, and room reflections. Gobos see most of their use in studio recording environments.

God Microphone:

What does the term “god microphone” mean? The term god microphone refers to an unseen performer using an unseen microphone to make announcements during live events. The voice is heard through the public address system throughout the venue but no one can see who is talking.

See: Microphone.

For a detailed read on the God microphone, check out my article What Is A God Microphone? (Theatre & Other Live Performance).


Also known as a swan neck.

What is a microphone gooseneck? A microphone gooseneck is a type of flexible mic arm/stand. Goosenecks are made of jointed-metal tubes and are curved like the neck of a goose. Goosenecks can be twisted (within reason) to the proper mic position and are common with podium mics.


Also known as Head Basket.

What is a microphone grille? A microphone grille is the perforated metal mesh that encompasses a mic's capsule. The grille is designed to protect the capsule from foreign objects and excessive wind energy while still allowing sound waves to effectively reach the mic's diaphragm.

For more information on microphone grilles, check out my article What Are Microphone Grilles And Why Are They Important?

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