The Bedroom Producer: An Emerging Breed Of Musician

The bedroom producer: An emerging breed of musician. We utilize the power of computers and the internet to develop our craft, produce our music, and share that music with the world. Whenever, however, wherever we want.
Okay, maybe “emerging” is a strong word. DIY artists, at-home recordists, and computer musicians have been around for a while. However, I believe that “bedroom producer” is what a lot of musicians are becoming. Musicians producing their own music will soon be the norm, if not already the norm.
Bedroom Producers
Consumer-grade computers and digital audio workstations (DAWs) can give professional and high-quality results. The low cost of computers and software make it very affordable to get involved in making music on your own.
This low barrier to entry means a lot of people are getting into this, which is great. I believe that the more people involved in music, the better.
Art is for everyone. The accessibility of DAWs is awesome for musicians on a budget, and those who are interested in all aspects of music creation. Of course, you can scale up as much as you'd like, and this hobby (or profession) can become extremely expensive. But starting out, it has never been cheaper and easier.
The internet provides plentiful resources to learn all you need in order to achieve the results you're after with your music. The internet also allows you to market your music easily without needing a record deal or publicist.
These services are great, don't get me wrong. Outsourcing your weaknesses to professionals can be an important strategy in creating the best music you can. But the fact is, that musicians are now able to learn and do it all themselves, inexpensively, from a laptop.
Bedroom Producing Is Not Genre-Specific
When I think of the term Bedroom Producer, I often think immediately of Electronic Dance Music.
We often gravitate toward genres like EDM and Hip-hop, since these genres lend themselves well to sampling and synth design that can be done completely in the box (using only computer software).
However, you can set up home recording studios to track live instruments and use as much hardware as you'd like. The advancement of sampling technology makes it easy to program real-sounding instruments inside the box, too.
Composers can write entire symphony orchestra pieces with nothing but software and samples, and make it sound just like a professional recording of a real symphony orchestra! A bedroom producer can literally produce any genre of music they'd like (skills permitting).
Oh, the freedom we possess in our small music studios! Whether that's in our bedroom (as the name “bedroom producer” suggests), in our basement, or even on the move (since when could you produce music on the bus or train?).
The options and opportunities are literally endless with creating music in a do-it-yourself fashion.
The world, in general, is moving in that direction. For example, people can now be a professional photographer with their phone; a professional author with a blog; a professional musician with a computer; the list goes on.
These content producers have very low start-up costs and can make money with their craft online! I created this blog to provide insight into the vast expanse that is being a bedroom producer and modern musician in general. To share experiences and lessons I've learned to help you improve your craft.
So How Can We Help Ourselves Improve As Bedroom Producers?
We all have music in our heads that we want to express and share with the world. We also have the technology and resources to do so. It's not just about writing the songs, but about seeing (or hearing) them through to a final product that people can listen to any time, anywhere. So how can we get the most out of our creativity?
I believe we should invest in understanding these three categories in order to improve our craft as bedroom producers:
Let's look at these categories in a bit more detail.
1. Music Production
- The process of turning a musical idea into a finished composition in audio format (rather than written format)
- Working in a Digital Audio Workstation
- Designing sounds in synthesizers, samplers, and through effects
- Recording Audio and MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface)
- Mixing elements in your compositions
- Mastering the final mix
I recommend checking out these channels for more information on music production.
2. Music Theory
- The study of the inner workings of Music
- Harmony – musical notes and their relationships to one another
- Rhythm – patterns of sound over time
- So much more that would make this list go on indefinitely
I recommend these channels for more information on music theory.
3. Music Promotion
- The process of gaining fans/listeners
- Sharing on Social Media
- Performing live
- Word of Mouth
- Website/Blog
I'll admit that this is not something I study as much as I should. I can see this website as being a great resource in my future:
The depth of each of these categories is virtually endless.
All this information can be daunting, but can also be very enlightening in developing yourself as a musician. There are “rules” to all of these topics, but these rules certainly aren't set in stone.
True art and music come from bending, breaking, and following these “rules” in an artistic way. I believe it's important to dive as deeply as possible into what you're most passionate about. For me, that's music.
I am no expert in any of these categories, but it is my commitment to keep improving my craft and to share my journey and process along the way with you all.
I'd like to ask you, as a music creator, which of the three main categories interests you the most? Music Production, Music Theory, or Music Promotion?
I'd like to thank you for reading and for your support.