I decided to put together a living master list of the gear I use in my home studio in case you're interested in knowing exactly what I use!
Affiliate disclaimer: Some links in this list are affiliate links, meaning I may receive a small commission if you decide to buy anything using these links (at no additional cost to you).
I'll update this list as my studio evolves. I hope you like it!
Display Monitors
Audio Interfaces
Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 2nd Gen
Studio Monitors
Acoustic Treatment
MIDI Controllers
Hard Drives
Musical Instruments
Effects Pedals
Ibanez CP10 Compressor Sustainer
DigiTech DF-7 Distortion Factory
Audio Plugins (Effects/Processors)
Airwindows RetroMacAUs (All Plugins) Bundle
FabFilter Volcano 2 & Volcano 3
iZotope Ozone 10 Advanced Bundle
iZotope Tonal Balance Control 2
MeldaProduction MFreeFXBundle (Paid Version) Bundle
MeldaProduction MFreeformEqualizer
Moog Moogerfooger MF-102S RingMod
Neural DSP Tone King Imperial MkII
Plugin Alliance ADPTR MetricAB
Plugin Alliance ADPTR StreamLiner
Plugin Alliance Black Box Analog Design HG-2
Plugin Alliance bx_cleansweep V2
Plugin Alliance bx_digital V3 mix
Plugin Alliance bx_rockrack V3 Player
Plugin Alliance Dangerous BAX EQ
Plugin Alliance elysia mpressor
Plugin Alliance elysia niveau filter
Plugin Alliance Shadow Hills Class A Mastering
Plugin Alliance SPL Free Ranger
Plugin Alliance SPL Passeq Single
Plugin Alliance SPL Transient Designer Plus
Slate Digital VerbSuite Classics
Slate Digital Virtual Mix Rack
Slate Digital Virtual Tape Machines
Softube TSAR-1 & TSAR-1R Reverb
Soundtoys Devil-Loc Deluxe/Devil-Loc
Soundtoys MicroShift/Little MicroShift
Soundtoys PrimalTap/Little Primal Tap
Soundtoys Radiator/Little Radiator
Valhalla DSP ValhallaSpaceModulator
Valhalla DSP ValhallaSupermassive
Wave Arts TubeSaturatorVintage
Waves SSL G-Master Buss Compressor
Virtual Instruments
Ample Sound Ample Bass P Lite II
Plugin Alliance Wedge Force Keemun